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Dear Friend,

Welcome to Sears University and THANK YOU for joining me in my pursuit to heal chronic disease.

Using my Beating Syndrome Zero course, you’ll learn how to treat the underlying cause of all chronic disease, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s…

Whether you are already suffering … learning to help a loved one … or simply committing yourself to a vibrant life of good health for you and your family…

Inside you’ll find answers to your biggest health concerns. You’ll learn from my personal experience as a medical doctor treating patients with cutting edge therapies mainstream medicine ignores or hides.

You’ll learn from my latest research which is ongoing. I leave no stone unturned. Unlike the medical industrial complex, my only loyalty is to my patients and readers, and I share everything I learn from the latest scientific research published – anything that can help.

Chronic disease has become America’s biggest killer, and it all starts with Syndrome Zero. By attacking this root cause, we can all learn to live without the pain and suffering of chronic disease, and share what we know with others.

An Invitation for Sears University Founders

As one of the founding members of Sears University, I’d like to extend to you a one-time, exclusive invitation to join my Sears University Founders Club.

My Founders Club will be comprised of the first 1% of readers who join, and before I even open membership to my readership, I wanted to extend a private invitation to my founding students who have enrolled in my first course.

I’ve never offered a high-end, exclusive membership before. But the time is right. Founding a University is a major undertaking.

My staff and I are working overtime to bring this knowledge to you. We have joined together in the spirit of fighting back against Big Med in a bold new way. This is important to us and we want to share our journey with our Founders Club.

With the right supporters, we can make a difference. And I think you’ll be blown away when you see the value that Membership delivers…

First, Founders Club Members will receive an all-access pass to every single course. And I mean, all-access. We have 5 new courses in the works right now, ranging in value from $199 to $600 and plan to launch at least one per quarter going forward.

Like Beating Syndrome Zero, these courses will deliver the protocols I use in my clinic to treat patients. Each is designed to deliver superior health, well beyond what’s considered “healthy” by today’s medical standards.

My Founders Club Members will be greeted personally as they arrive to my multi-day seminar taking place in Palm Beach this fall, escorted to a special VIP reserved seating area in the front row.

They’ll join me, my staff and my closest friends and colleagues in the business for our VIP-only Founders Club

These are just a few of the benefits Club members will enjoy.

Founders Club Members will receive:

  • An all-access pass to every single course (we plan to launch at least one per quarter), valued at $300 each…
  • Free entry and special reserved seating for every live conference (we have a big one planned for this fall) – a $1,000 value per conference
  • VIP Founders Club-only Cocktail Hour at live conferences with direct personal access to me and my staff – priceless
  • First priority invitation to my lectures at my state-of-the-art Anti-Aging clinic in South Florida – priceless
  • Complimentary video recordings of my private monthly clinic lectures – a $200 value each
  • Quarterly Sears University Newsletter for life – priceless
  • Complimentary life-time subscription to my signature newsletter, Confidential Cures – a $300 value
  • Every new research report my team and I produce – a $500 value per year

As you can see, the value of all of these benefits in year one alone adds up to over $5,000, not even counting exclusive invitations and VIP events.

But to deliver the most value for the best rate I can afford, I’ve set Founders Club Membership at just $1,500 per year for first responders.

But what makes this invitation most valuable is that, for the first 1% of my readership who join now, I am making a one-time offer to receive Founders Club status for life for your one-time contribution of $1,500.

Once you join, you are a member forever. You can even pass your membership on to an heir and let them enjoy the rich health benefits over their lifetimes. The only thing you’ll ever pay is a small annual maintenance fee of just $125 starting in year two.

If you are a long-time reader and a true believer in health freedom, make this pledge to your good health for life.

As always, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If at any time in the first 90 days of Membership you are not thrilled with the level of service and the information you receive, you are entitled to a complete refund of the purchase price.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. My Founders Club Members will also enjoy free shipping for life on any new supplement orders. (International orders excluded.)

P.P.S. When you check out, you’ll already start seeing the savings. The amount you paid for this course will be applied to the total, making the course FREE with your new Membership.



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