Most said it was impossible.
But 200 memory patients from around the world ignored the naysayers and enlisted anyways.
The 200 patients averaged an age of 58 and all suffered from the ravages of brain aging. Some had full-blown age-related memory loss, stroke and even brain damage. Others had simple senior moments. But ALL experienced a dramatic recovery. Once they used this "1-Hour Technology," the test shows they became clinically 41 years old!
In other words, they aged backwards by 17 years.
Tests showed the patients studied became clinically 41 years old…aging backwards 17 years
Don't take my word for it...
Linda, age 58, was diagnosed with age-related memory loss. For eight months, it rapidly progressed. But after using this "1-hour technology," her brain dramatically changed.
Look at the brain scans...
This “1-Hour Technology” enhances your brain’s ability to repair itself…greatly improving cognitive health.
It's like her brain came back "online!" and she felt it, too. She felt massive improvements in energy and mood. She could solve crossword puzzles, draw a correct clock face and go about her daily living without help.
Most importantly — her brain function improved.
Just like Linda, there's hope for you too!
But now, using this "1-Hour Technology," Linda's brain had restored its God-given ability to repair itself.
John Hopkins professor, Dr. Paul Harch, saw these results and calls it:
"The first therapy to not only halt, but significantly
improve cognitive health."
Hall of Famer Joe Namath gave us the honor of attending the Sears Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine. He told us how much this “Brain Power” technology rescued his brain.
Now, that may sound unusual.
But think about the brain for a second...
Although it's only 2% of our body mass - our brain uses 20% of our oxygen supply.
That's because it uses more energy than any other organ.
Neurons are constantly firing, carrying messages, and executing orders.
To do it all requires a significant energy load. Which means a constant source of nutrition in the form of glucose.
That's where oxygen comes in.
Without it, our brain cannot convert glucose into energy...and shuts down.
In other words, if glucose is our brain's fuel, oxygen is the engine that keeps the motor running.
We may not normally think of it this way, but oxygen is an essential healing agent. As we go about our day, the oxygen we breathe repairs our brains.
If your brain gets enough oxygen, it naturally improves your function. If it doesn't, your brain slowly starts to shut down.
So, the "secret" to great brain health is great oxygen.
According to a study by the University of British Colombia, it isn't "age" that causes cognitive decline, it's the lack of oxygen. [1]
While the link between age-related memory loss and oxygen has been known for years, there's another critical factor you need to know...
The older we get, the less capacity our body has to intake oxygen. This slows the brain down.
In fact, the lack of oxygen triggers runaway inflammation in our brain. Your brain goes into "survival mode" and fights for its memory and retention...
But it accidentally damages the good parts of your brain too.
So, when you don't get the oxygen you need, you're already depriving your brain...which causes more damage because it's struggling.
There is Hope. In just a moment, I'll reveal the simple oxygen technique that can halt and even reverse this damage.
It's a way to support a healthy brain... All without a prescription or doctor's visit.
In just a few minutes a day, this simple "trick" refreshes your brain with more oxygen...
It's like letting your brain "breathe" and refresh itself.
Leaving you feeling revitalized and "young again"...
So, you can do what you love most.
With the people you love most.
It's your life "restored" to what you never thought it could be again.
Brain cells don’t really “die.” Instead, they’ll simply go to “sleep,” or lie dormant until oxygen comes in and activates the cells and restores brain function.
The medical establishment tells you that the brain can't repair itself. That it's impossible.
They say when your neurons die, they die.
When your tissue is lost, it's gone forever.
When the brain is damaged, it won't change.
But none of it is true!
In fact, new advanced brain imaging shows that after an injury, brain cells don't really "die."
Instead, they'll simply go to "sleep," or lie dormant.
Really, all we need to do is wake those brain cells up...
According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania...
This oxygen treatment wakes these cells up. [2]
Now, can you see why this oxygen breakthrough is being called a "miracle"?
Why everyone from the rich and famous, to everyday Americans, are now beginning to use it?
All with results not seen by any other treatment available?
Your brain was never really "dying off"...
It was just "taking a nap."
Now it's time to "wake it back up" and reclaim the youthful brain power, vitality, and cognitive function you rightfully deserve.
The rise in Alzheimer’s rates look almost identical to the graph of rising CO2 in our air. Is it any surprise?
Stroke, brain damage, age-related memory loss, you name it. All thanks to this oxygen technology!
That's because it's slowing down the No. 1 cause of brain aging. The lack of oxygen.
In fact, scientists say that carbon dioxide is at an all time high.
That means less oxygen is in the air...and even less of it is being brought to your brain.
In order to stop this threat, you need additional sources of oxygen, and you need to help your body get more oxygen into your cells.
The more oxygen you have, the more memory you retain (or recover).
That's where my report comes in: The 1,000% Oxygen Booster: Nature's Brain "Miracle" Is Now More Powerful.
It's a powerful compilation of at-home techniques to increase your oxygen flow and "reactivate" the brain cells you thought were long gone.
These are screenshots of the PDF that you will get. I wanted you to see the quality of the product that you will be receiving. As soon as you start using these powerful oxygen boosting methods, you'll see how simple and easy they are!
Some techniques take as little as 5-10 minutes, and you can do them from the comfort of your own home!
The first is to take the information I've given you today, and hope that it's enough to make a difference in your life. Honestly, with just a few breathing exercises you can probably make a small amount of progress.
But you're here with me right now...
Which means you're serious about reversing (or stopping) cognitive decline for good, and I want to give you every opportunity to boost your brain power.
But considering the fact that ZERO new therapies for age-related memory loss have won federal approval since 2003.
And only five (5!) drugs have EVER been approved by the FDA for age-related memory loss… and those merely alleviate symptoms.
They don’t prevent, slow or repair the disease.
And there is NOTHING in the pipeline that shows even the remotest of promise to help people with age-related memory decline…
And the additional fact that — according to a non-profit organization — the average person with age-related memory loss will spend $45,000 a year for BASIC care (or place that financial burden on their family).
It’s not a stretch to say that $10,000 would be the bargain of a lifetime. After all, we’re talking about your brain here…
But not everyone can afford it.
And as a doctor whose mission it is to help as many people as possible, that kept me up at night.