Welcome to Sears University
I am honored to bring this new resource to health seekers around the world.
I’m a traditionally trained MD with a background in nutrition and sports training. I have a very different approach to medicine and health than most of my colleagues.
You see, from a very young age I have devoted my life to understanding and improving health. And, I’ve spent my career seeking out alternative solutions and natural cures that safely reverse disease and fully restore what I call your “native fitness health.”
In today’s modern world we can achieve and maintain our native fitness, but it requires a conscious effort. That’s what I help my patients and readers do… restore their health and be in control of their body, life and destiny.
This is the genesis of Sears University.
Through Sears University, I aim to shed light on the real medical discoveries that are hidden from the public, the natural solutions that are misunderstood and even discredited because they provide no revenue to Big Pharma, and the simple yet powerful truth that each individual can influence their own health outcome.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m honored to share my newest adventure with you and look forward to bringing you into my Sears U inner circle.
To Your Good Health,
Dr. Al Sears M.D.
Founder and President
Sears University
The Brain Power Protocol
In this course you’ll learn the truth about age-related memory loss, the myths that still pervade society and mainstream medicine, and what you can do, starting today, to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Beating Syndrome Zero
I consider this to be the most urgent public health crisis in human history. I’ve named this emerging pandemic Syndrome Zero — the real root cause of every chronic disease.
The Primal Force Protocol
My Primal Force Protocol is unlike anything you’ve ever heard of before. You see, it’s a plan for life — a way to get what your body and mind require in an easy-to-follow protocol, based on the latest nutrition science.
It’s what you need to thrive.In this course you’ll learn how to re-calibrate your body to feel stronger, look younger, and retain more energy, without prescription drugs or surgery.

Pace Masters
Coming Soon
As a regular reader, you know that my PACE principle works to progressively challenge your lungs and your body in news ways. This triggers you to make adaptive changes that fight disease as well as the “symptoms” of aging – all in just 12 minutes a day. But some patients have told me they can’t do intense workouts anymore...
PACE Masters brings the same principle to anyone who cannot do strenuous exercise. You’ll learn how to strengthen your heart, increase your lungpower and oxygen, add muscle, shed fat and increase mobility while doing your workouts while seated.

Primal Keto Course
Coming Soon
Keto eating has been trending as one of the healthiest ways to eat for the past couple of years. Most Keto diets fail because they don’t focus on native – or Primal – nutrition. You see, simply eliminating carbs isn’t enough. My Primal Keto Course teaches you how to focus on foods that score zero on the Glycemic Index (GI).
The GI measures how quickly foods break down into sugar in your bloodstream. High glycemic foods turn into blood sugar very quickly, causing your insulin to spike — and the pounds to pile on.

Shield Immunity Protocol
Coming Soon
Learn how to build whole-body immunity for strength and protection. Without a robust immune system, you’re at greater risk of developing illness. But you can build a defense shield that is strong enough to protect you from these chronic diseases... like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more.